is the nerdy Asian-American kid you knew in grade school that played piano for the choir in a powder blue tuxedo, except 30+ years later. Not surprisingly, he's now a music and entertainment attorney and partner at Mark Music & Media Law, handling legal work for the firm's diverse set of clients. David began his law career as a business affairs attorney at Epitaph Records in 1997 and then was an entertainment attorney at Barnes Morris Klein Mark Yorn Barnes & Levine from 2001 - June 2007. He joined Mark MML at its inception in 2007. He received his J.D. from USC Law School, his B.A. in Economics, from UCLA and attended Van Nuys High School Performing Arts Magnet (Orchestra, Jazz Band, Marching Band). David was also the bassist for the Los Angeles ska/punk bands Mealticket (1991-1997) and Pushover (1997-2001). In his free time, David enjoys playing music, toy camera photography, dancing the lindy hop, catching his breath during Mestre Amen's capoeira class, silliness in its many forms, and taking filtered iPhone selfies over breakfast at diners (see photo).
david@markmml.com / (310) 818-7244